

Data protection is important to us

We make more efforts to protect the confidentiality of your personal data by complying with all applicable data protection rules and regulations including the General Regulation (EU) 2016/679 about  data protection ("RGPD").

The General Regulation (EU) 2016/679  data protection has been applied on 25 May 2018. Protecting your private sphere while using our site www.rincars.ro is an extremely important aspect for our company. Responsible for data protection on this web page is RIN CARS SRL. While using and processing personal data, RIN CARS SRL strictly respects the legal provisions into force on data protection.

The right to use personal data and anonymous data is the responsibility of RIN CARS SRL within the limits provided by the law, respecting the rights of data subjects as described below.

Because our company wants to protect your personal data with the highest efficiency, we have updated our privacy policy in accordance with the RGPD requirements available here.

You can also find important information about your rights, including the right of access, the right to request correction or deletion, to request restriction of processing, withdrawal of consent, objection, not to be subject to an automatic decision, including profile profiling, data portability and the right to file complaints with data protection authorities.

Web Privacy Policy

As part of its social responsibility, RINCARS SRL undertakes to comply with all applicable data protection rules and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("RGPD"), and we make every effort to protect the privacy of your personal data.

We further inform you in detail about the processing of personal data that we collect from you or which you communicate to us through this website and how we process these data. The data protection responsible for this web page is RINCARS SRL. When using and processing personal data,  RINCARS SRL strictly respects the applicable legal provisions on data protection. The right to use personal data and anonymous data is the responsibility of RINCARS SRL within the limits provided by the law respecting the rights of the data subjects described below.


  1. Who we are

Communication according to the provisions of Law no. 365/2002 on electronic commerce

The data operator is RINCARS SRL ("RINCARS" or "Company").

Headquarters: Str. Dreptatii 10 Sectorul 6, Bucharest

Tel .: +40727123496


E-mail: office@rincars.ro

Tax Code: 35254915

Nr. Rec. Trade Registry: J40 / 14270/2015


  1. Disclaimer of liability


RINCARS takes all reasonable steps to ensure that the information contained on this website is accurate and complete at the time of publication. However, unintentional or accidental errors may occur and we are sorry for it. RINCARS assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions on the RINCARS website.

To protect your personal information, RINCARS uses encryption technologies for certain types of transmissions coordinated through this site.

 However, RINCARS does not declare or guarantees that the functions or services presented on the RINCARS site will not be interrupted or errors will occur for reasons beyond the control exercised by RINCARS, that the defects will be corrected or that the RINCARS site or server which it is free of viruses or other malicious programs. To the extent permitted by the law, RINCARS is not responsible for any damages resulting from the operation or non-functioning of the RINCARS site or related technical services or devices.  

This privacy statement applies only to www.rincars.ro and its related subdomains, but not to pages controlled or operated by third parties. Please check the data protection statements of web pages controlled or operated by third parties as these web pages are not under our control and RINCARS is not responsible for their content and data protection measures.

RINCARS reserves the right to make changes to this site without prior notice. All decisions made on the basis of the information published on the RINCARS website are the exclusive responsibility of that user. RINCARS assumes no liability for direct or indirect damages or prejudice for any reason arising out of the direct or indirect use of the information published on the RINCARS website.

  1. Categories of processed personal data and what are the purposes

In the process of operating this web site, the Company collects certain information ("personal data") concerning individuals identified or identifying individuals, data provided directly by users of this website (eg, name, surname, mail address) or indirect (e.g., IP address). We will process personal data for the following purposes, according to the legal reasons indicated for each of the following:

3.1. Navigation on the website. Cookie policy

When you visit our website, we use cookies to automatically collect technical information to identify the user, such as the IP address, the type of internet browser used to browse our site, operating system, name or host the domain through which the user navigates the site. The primary purpose of cookies is to give you a better browsing experience, but also for advertising purposes, to give you content tailored to your interests and preferences. We therefore use cookies to provide you with a personalized and relevant experience of browse our website and understand how you interact with our advertising content.

For more information on the use of cookies on this website and the purposes for which they are used, as well as on the possibilities to control and / or disable these modules, please see our cookie policy.

3.2. Answering questions, requests or complaints

We process your personal information, such as your first and last name, email address, telephone number and any other information or details that you communicate in correspondence to answer your questions, complaints or requests, depending on the communication channel through which contact us,  as described below.

3.3. Surveys, customer satisfaction assessment studies and customer feedback

We will process your personal data when deciding to participate in our surveys or market studies, customer satisfaction assessment studies, or when providing feedback on our car rental services. This personal data will be processed for the above purpose only with your consent, in view of our legitimate interest in understanding the needs and expectations of our customers regarding our products and services. Your participation in these studies is voluntary. It is therefore your responsibility to provide us with personal data (name and surname, preference information and main reason for choosing the company, or other personal data that you can provide) by completing the participation forms on the site, our web site or similar forms made available for surveys or surveys.

Automatic decision making and automatic profile setting.

The personal data mentioned here are not subject to automated decision-making, including profile setting.

3.4 Documents transmitted by electronic mail or through other online communication applications

In order to prepare the rental contracts, copies of the necessary documents are required, through Whatsapp:  +40765515955 or  +40760919039 or at one of the email addresses : office@rincars.ro or rincars@yahoo.com. Access to this information is restricted to certain individuals within the company. They are not alienated to other companies or individuals and can be deleted at client's request.

  1. To whom do we communicate your personal data?

In order to meet the goals described above, the Company uses the services of several contractors.

Some of these are individual data carriers, like Google. Other contractors are third parties who do not process the data but can access them in performing their own duties or in relation to the Company, such as maintenance, financial or audit service providers.

The above-mentioned personal data may also be made available to third parties in the following situations: (i) public authorities, auditors or competent institutions competent to carry out inspections of the company's business or assets requesting the company to provide information under the obligation its legal status. Such public authorities or institutions may be: (ii) in order to meet a legal requirement or protect the rights and assets of our company or other entities or persons, such as courts of law; (iii) to third-party purchasers, to the extent that the activity of the company will be (wholly or partly) transferred, and the data of the data subject will be part of the assets being the object of the transaction. Further, for the processing purposes outlined above, we may communicate your personal data to companies in the RINCARS Group that are subject to the company's instructions regarding the processing of personal data.

The individuals and entities we can share personal data with are the following:

  1. a) For the purpose of browsing the site and using cookies, we may transmit personal data to analysts and search engine providers so that they can provide maintenance services to our site;
  2. b) In order to answer your questions, requests or complaints, we may transmit your personal data to our service providers of call centers;
  3. c) To conduct surveys, market surveys, customer satisfaction surveys, or customer feedback on our products or services, we may disclose personal data to survey providers, market surveys / support services for customers.
  4. The transfer of personal data abroad

In the context of the operations described above, your personal data may be transferred abroad, in European Union countries ("EU") or in the European Economic Area ("EEA").

We inform you that any transfer made by the company to an EU or EEA member state will comply with the requirements of the RGPD.

If RINCARS sends your information to a non-EEA country, we will ensure that your information is properly protected. We will always ensure that there is an appropriate legal contract covering the transfer of data in accordance with the standards approved by the European Commission (https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/data-transfers-outside-eu/model-contracts-transferpersonal-data-third-countries_en).

In addition, if the country is deemed to have no equivalent to EU data protection standards, then we will require the third party to conclude a legal contract that reflects these standards.

In accordance with legal requirements, personal data is transferred only if the European Commission has adopted a third-country suitability decision if appropriate safeguards have been agreed (eg. EU-standard  data protection arrangements EU -SUA), binding corporate rules are implemented in accordance with Art. 47 of the General Data Protection Regulation or there is a derogation for specific situations in accordance with Art. 49 of the General Data Protection Regulation (eg. because you explicitly agreed to the proposed transfer after having been informed of the possible risks of such transfers to the data subject due to lack of adequacy and appropriate safeguards).

  1. The storage time of personal data

Personal data subject to the transfer for the above-mentioned purposes will be retained in accordance with the principles of proportionality and necessity, and in any case until the purposes for which they were collected and processed. Subsequently, either at the time of the termination of the collaboration relationship or at the expiry of the legal obligation to archive RINCARS under the applicable tax, accounting or regulatory law, the data will be deleted. If the Company believes that it has a legitimate interest or a legal obligation to process your personal data for other purposes, you will be informed of this.

  1. Data processing for children under the age of 14

All personal data processing presented in this document refers only to people who are at least 14 years of age. The use of systems and processing results is forbidden for children under this age without the consent of legal guardians / parents. If such processing takes place despite our reasonable efforts to prevent them, they will cease when we are notified that the users are below the age mentioned above.

  1. Security of data processing

The company informs you that it constantly evaluates and updates security measures implemented to ensure safe and secure processing of your personal data.

For the protection of your data, RINCARS SRL has taken technical and organizational measures to protect such data against unauthorized loss, manipulation or unauthorized access. The measures adopted are regularly checked and are constantly adapted to the state of the art. In case of a violation of your personal data protection, which is expected to result in a major risk for your rights and freedoms, we will notify you as soon as possible within 72 hours.

  1. Rights of the data subjects (Articles 15-21 RGPD)

In the context of processing your personal data, you have the following rights:

  1. The right to access processed personal data: You have the right to obtain a confirmation that your data is processed and, if yes, to have access to the personal data type and the processing conditions, by addressing a request to that effect to the data controller;
  2. The right to request rectification or deletion of personal data: You may request, by submitting a request to that effect to the data controller, to correct incorrect personal data, complete incomplete data, or delete personal data in the following cases:

(i)  the data is no longer necessary for the original purpose (and there is no new legal purpose);

(ii) the legal basis for the processing is the consent of the data subject;

(iii) the data subject withdraws his / her consent, and there are no other legal grounds;

(iv) data has been processed unlawfully;

(v) deletion is required for compliance with EU or Romanian law;

(vi) the data have were collected in relation to information society services provided to children (where applicable) to which specific requirements apply on the granting of consent.

  1. Right to request restriction of processing: You have the right to obtain restriction of processing in cases where:

(i) you consider that processed personal data are inaccurate for a period that allows the operator to verify the accuracy of personal data;

(ii) processing is illegal, but you do not want us to delete your data, but only to restrict its use;

(iii) if the data controller no longer requires your data for the above purposes, but you need data to establish, exercise, or defend a legal right;

(iv) have objected to the pending verifying that the legitimate reasons for the data controller overwhelm those of the data subject.

  1. The right to withdraw your consent for processing when processing takes place on a consent basis, without affecting the legality of the processing performed up to that point;
  2. The right to data portability, meaning the right to receive the personal data you have provided to the operator in a structured, commonly used and readable form, and the right to transmit this data to another operator, whether the processing is based on your consent or under a contract and is done by automatic means;
  3. The right to object to data processing for reasons related to your specific situation, when processing is based on legitimate interest, and to object at any time to data processing for direct marketing purposes, including profiling;
  4. The right not to be the subject of a decision solely based on automatic processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects affecting the data subject or affects it to a similar extent to a significant extent;
  5. The right to submit complaints to the data protection authority and the right of appeal to a competent court.

The above rights may be exercised at any time.

To exercise these rights or to address any questions related to these topics, please contact us using the contact details listed below:

Responsible personal data of RINCARS SRL:

E-mail: protectiadatelor@rincars.ro

And provide us with confirmation of your identity, for example, by sending an electronic copy of your identity card / passport / driving license.

We remind you that you have the right to file a complaint with the national supervisory authority for the processing of personal data if you believe that the processing of personal data violates the provisions of the Regulation.

  1. Modify this privacy policy

This privacy policy may be amended and updated periodically by the company when necessary. The Company will inform you of any significant changes made to this policy and will inform you in a manner that enables us to acknowledge receipt thereof, for example by using the email address you have communicated to us or by any other appropriate means of communication .

Last Updated on 09.01.2024

Collection of personal data

We use personal data collected on www.rincars.ro for the following purposes:

- ensuring the reservation for the desired period and the car requested by you;

- invoicing the services you ordered;

Personal data may be disclosed without your consent in case of disputes / disputes concerning the frauds of the authorized institutions.

Using statistical data and anonymous data:

RINCARS may use the statistical data or anonymous data resulting from processing for the following purposes:

- performing reports / analyzes in order to improve the services;

- providing information for own purposes for the purpose of improving the services;

- publishing, promoting, offering services offered by RINCARS.

Using cookies:

Cookies (the terminology includes: " internet cookie ", "cookie browser", "HTTP cookie" or simply "cookie") are files or information that can be stored on your computer or on mobile devices with Internet access or tablet) when you access the Internet. The cookie is installed through a web browser request from a browser (eg Internet Explorer, Chrome) and can’t access the information on the user's computer / mobile device. We mention that this technology does not contain software, viruses or spyware.

We use cookies to make the www.rincars.ro site easier to use and to better tailor it to our interests and needs through our offers. Cookies are also used to speed up your future activities and experiences on our site. These refer to your preferences on online privacy or relevant advertising. We also use cookies to compile anonymous, aggregated statistics that allow us to understand how people use the www.rincars.com site and to help us improve its structure and content, excluding the user's personal identification.



How do I control or delete cookies?

Most Internet browsers are initially set to automatically accept cookies. You can change settings to block cookies or be notified when cookies are sent to your computer or mobile device (smartphone, tablet).

If you cancel the cookies we use, you will no longer receive customized information when you visit www.rincars.ro .

If you use multiple devices to view and access the site (e.g., your computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), you will need to make sure that each browser on each device is set to match your cookie preferences.

Here are some links that explain how you can change your cookie settings. These settings are usually found in "browser options" or "preferences" menu. For more details, you can also use the browser's "help" option:

 -Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
- Cookie settings in Firefox
- Cookie settings in Chrome
- Cookie settings in Safari

To improve the experience of its users, this website uses Google Analytics anonymous profiling technology for web traffic. In this way we can improve our services. The system is 100% anonymous and does not contain any personally identifiable information. Learn more about how Google Analytics works, the use of cookies, your rights and opportunities at this link.

If we believe that a change in the privacy policy is required, we will publish those changes on this page to inform you of the types of information we collect and how we use them. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please email us at office@rincars.ro.


Thank you for using www.rincars.ro. We assure you that we will always try to offer you the best service.